Cases Involving Arrests
Guangdong Province, China / Style Counterfeit
A Style counterfeit factory was raided by the Chinese Public Security Bureau in Guangdong Province, China. Although this factory had been detected by the local authorities in September last year, it was continuing the production of Style counterfeits, so we made a special request to the Public Security Bureau and a criminal raid was executed.
Through the raid by the Chinese Public Security Bureau, a total of 56 Style, etc. counterfeits (a total of 53,000 items incl. instruction manuals, labels, etc.) were seized and the people in charge of the site were arrested and kept in detention.
Japan / SIXPAD Counterfeits
On February 16, 2017, Aichi Prefectural Police arrested a vocational school student of Chinese nationality (age 24), residing in Shiomigaoka-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba, on suspicion of having sold one SIXPAD counterfeit for 21,000 Japanese yen via an Internet auction site. The police said they have seized two counterfeits and other evidence from the suspect’s home and will conduct a thorough investigation into the acquisition routes, any further crimes, etc.
Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China / ReFa Counterfeits
A massive production/sales site for ReFa CARAT and ReFa CARAT RAY counterfeits in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China was detected. Normally we make requests of local authorities to conduct raids, but this counterfeiter’s manufacturing and sales operations were so extensive that on this occasion we made a special request of the Chinese Public Security Bureau for a criminal raid.
Through the raid by the Chinese Public Security Bureau, a total of approx. 1,200 ReFa CARAT and ReFa CARAT RAY counterfeits (a total of approx. 5,500 items incl. semi-finished products) were seized and the people in charge of the site were arrested and kept in detention.
The decision of 7 defendants has been determined in May 2018.
The judgment on the main criminal sentence was a combination of three year and nine month imprisonment without a stay of execution, and a fine of 1.4 million RMB.
Seoul, Korea / ReFa Brand Theft Products
Malicious counterfeits produced using the ReFa brand without permission were in circulation everywhere in Seoul, Korea. The Korean Special Judicial Police were deployed and conducted raids in various areas of the city. Many dealers were arrested (and afterwards sentenced) and counterfeits were seized.
Raid by Korean police
Seized ReFa CARAT counterfeits
Precautions against counterfeits
Raid, Litigation and Confiscation Examples
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