- 2023/06
Regarding the occurrence of counterfeit ReFa ION CARE BRUSH products

Counterfeit product

As a result of our performance check of the copied product, we found that the specifications and quality of the product were different from those of the genuine product, such as no ion generation, hard brush pins, and so on.
We are concerned that the use of such copies may cause damage to the hair and injury to the scalp.
The Company has been taking resolute legal action, including civil lawsuits and criminal prosecutions, against malicious companies that handle such copied products, and is now taking action against these copied products as well.
We have confirmed that such copied products are now being sold not only on e-commerce sites, but also via social networking services. We have also confirmed sales on flea market sites. Characteristics of sellers of counterfeit goods on flea market sites include selling many of the same items (new items) repeatedly, selling at low prices, and providing unnatural descriptions of the items. In order to prevent damage, we request that customers purchase from our online store or authorized distributors.
MTG authorized online store:
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