Management System
MTG Group Management SystemGroup Management
We have established a management system whereby the organization is broken down into profit centers (PCs) and profit is made fully visible through an independent accounting system.
This fosters leaders with managerial awareness and realizes our ideal that "All Participate in Management", a system in which all employees take part in management.

Independent Accounting System that is directly linked to the market
Maximizing sales and minimizing costs are the guiding principles of company management. In the interests of implementing these principles throughout the entire organization, we have adopted an independent accounting system, in which we break the organization down into profit centers, and manage profitability by means of trend-adaptive management that can respond immediately to movements in the market.
Fostering human resources with managerial awareness
We break the organization down into profit centers as needed and reorganize them as if they were a group of small companies. By entrusting the management of each profit center to its leaders, we foster personnel with managerial awareness.
Implementing "All Participate in Management"
We achieve "All Participate in Management" by getting all employees to work together in managing the company in order to help it grow, thereby enabling them to work with a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Adopting fair and just evaluation methods based on our common philosophy
We offer opportunities for Management Presentations, on the basis of whose results a profit center, part of the core of the group management system, may be internally approved.
Once an employee’s’ own division has been approved as an independent entity which creates profit for the company, the management challenges and individual employees’ responsibilities become clear.