- 2018/11
Announcement of the Establishment of
Utilization of the native-grown Goto camellias in Goto Islands of Nagasaki Prefecture.
Contribution to the employment in the local community and its vitalization by
undertaking a new enterprise.
Contribution to the employment in the local community and its vitalization by
undertaking a new enterprise.

MTG Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Nagoya, Aichi; Representative Director & President: Tsuyoshi Matsushita) established a new company, Goto no Tsubaki Inc. on November 1, 2018. The following is an overview of the company.
Purpose and Background
MTG established a new company, Goto no Tsubaki Inc. The company will develop business by utilizing Goto camellia, which has been grown in the Goto Islands of Nagasaki Prefecture since the ancient times. The beautiful red flowers of Goto camellia blooms even in severe winter, and its seeds also hold rare, unique oil. The residents of the Islands use those oil for many purposes such as for cooking and beauty.
The Goto Islands' Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region being registered as a World Heritage in June 2018, attracted more attention of the islanders. However, the decline of population are exceeding in parallel to the Islands' antiquation, and in recent years, the harvest of Goto camellia seeds has been reduced. So, it is with the distribution, the oil is only within arm's reach of just a handful of people.
Considering these circumstances, MTG has been researching on every aspect of the Goto camellia - not only about the flowers and seeds, which are only available once a year during the harvest, but also its leaves, branches, skin of fruit, the history and culture surrounding the plant, and Goto camellia yeast, which was discovered by the local chamber of commerce. We aim to develop new business opportunities by discovering the as-yet-unknown powers of the Goto camellia.
We will also enhance the value and recognition of Goto camellia, and thereby support the vitalization of the Islands as a whole by attracting people back to the region, and by increasing the employment. As the Goto Camellia Project, we will get together with the governments of Goto city and Nagasaki Prefecture, business associations, Nagasaki University and partner companies, in order to achieve a strong bond collaboration between industry, academia, and government that no one has accomplished before. We will share the wonders and potentials of camellia to the world, and expand the future possibilities of regional industries in Japan.
The Goto Islands' Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region being registered as a World Heritage in June 2018, attracted more attention of the islanders. However, the decline of population are exceeding in parallel to the Islands' antiquation, and in recent years, the harvest of Goto camellia seeds has been reduced. So, it is with the distribution, the oil is only within arm's reach of just a handful of people.
Considering these circumstances, MTG has been researching on every aspect of the Goto camellia - not only about the flowers and seeds, which are only available once a year during the harvest, but also its leaves, branches, skin of fruit, the history and culture surrounding the plant, and Goto camellia yeast, which was discovered by the local chamber of commerce. We aim to develop new business opportunities by discovering the as-yet-unknown powers of the Goto camellia.
We will also enhance the value and recognition of Goto camellia, and thereby support the vitalization of the Islands as a whole by attracting people back to the region, and by increasing the employment. As the Goto Camellia Project, we will get together with the governments of Goto city and Nagasaki Prefecture, business associations, Nagasaki University and partner companies, in order to achieve a strong bond collaboration between industry, academia, and government that no one has accomplished before. We will share the wonders and potentials of camellia to the world, and expand the future possibilities of regional industries in Japan.
Overview of Goto no Tsubaki Inc.
- Location: Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture
- Description of Business: Research and development of ingredients derived from Camellia japonica; planning, development, and manufacturing of cosmetics; production and maintenance of farmland (Camellia mountains)
- Total amount of investment: 500 million yen
- Shareholder structure: MTG Co., Ltd., Mr. Mitsunori Tateishi (Chairman of Goto Commerce and Industry Association, the local chamber of commerce)
- Description of Business: Research and development of ingredients derived from Camellia japonica; planning, development, and manufacturing of cosmetics; production and maintenance of farmland (Camellia mountains)
- Total amount of investment: 500 million yen
- Shareholder structure: MTG Co., Ltd., Mr. Mitsunori Tateishi (Chairman of Goto Commerce and Industry Association, the local chamber of commerce)
About Goto Camellia Yeast
Mr. Tateishi possesses a strong desire to revitalize the Goto Islands using their camellias, and, fueled by that desire, discovered the yeast extracted from the flower of the Camellia japonica that is native to the Goto Islands. This yeast has fermentation power unlike any other, and holds the potential to be the foundation of our business when utilized in various ways. We aim to establish stable production of camellia yeast, develop new products utilizing the yeast, and expand the market both domestically and overseas.
―Upon the establishment of new company―
MTG Co., Ltd.
Tsuyoshi Matsushita, President
The camellias of the Goto Islands of Nagasaki Prefecture hold undiscovered potential and are filled with dreams. Since 2013, we have been studying and researching every aspect of the Goto camellia--not only its flowers and seeds, but also its leaves, branches, and roots, as well as the history and culture surrounding it--and have discovered a number of things. By sharing this well of industrial uses, and forming new collaborations with universities, research institutions, companies, and local communities, we will make the potential of Camellia japonica known across the world, and open up the possibility of new industry in Japan.Tsuyoshi Matsushita, President
Goto Commerce and Industry Association
Chairman Mitsunori Tateishi
A new company was established with the objective of revitalizing Goto Islands. In Goto Commerce and Industry Association, camellias have been a theme of our work on the revitalization of the islands for years. This work resulted in the discovery of camellia yeast. I am very pleased that this discovery led to our dramatic encounter with MTG. I can imagine vividly that Goto camellia yeast will spread throughout the country thanks to the new company, Goto no Tsubaki Inc. and it brings me great excitement.Chairman Mitsunori Tateishi
Goto City
Mayor Ichitaro Noguchi
There are about 4.4 million wild camellias in Goto City, and we have been utilizing these camellias―the best local resources in Japan―for agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and much more. In 2020, the International Camellia Society Congress and the Japan Camellia Summit will be held concurrently in Goto City―the birthplace of the globally recognized camellia variety Tama-no-Ura. President Matsushita is from Goto City, and I greatly thank him and expect that his new company will contribute to the further promotion of the utilization of our camellias and to increases in employment.Mayor Ichitaro Noguchi
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